Struggling writer Lodge (Nathan Rice) isn't asking for much: he wants his gaming group to finish playtesting his table-top adventure, rather than killing, looting, and debauching his fantasy world. Desperate to save the integrity of his story from the whims of his players' crazy characters—a horny bard, wild sorceress, and a cryptic monk—Lodge allows Joanna (Carol Roscoe), Cass's (Brian Lewis) ex-girlfriend, to join the game.
With Joanna's help, the group's characters trek deep into the fantasy game world to retrieve the Mask of Death from the evil necromancer Mort Kemnon. Will their choices in the game save their friendships in real life . . . or will Mort Kemnon triumph unopposed?
Up Next in Gamers Unlimited – Triple Threat
The Gamers
The original Gamers featurette! A 480p download of the story that started it all—join Newmoon, Ambrose, Rogar, and Nimble on their epic quest to defeat The Shadow and rescue a princess.
The Gamers: Hands of Fate Extended Ed...